MONTH OF JUNE: CHRISTIAN APOLOGETICS by Pr. Saji Mathew (Monday, Tuesday & Thursday – 7 PM TO 9 PM)
The course is an introduction to the biblical, theological, and philosophical foundations of Christian Apologetics. It includes an examination of various apologetic methodologies. Attention is given to defending the Christian worldview in response to the challenges of the 21st century. This course also surveys the history, worldview, and theology of major world religions. It also includes a critical evaluation of these religions from a biblical perspective to develop a Christian response to them.
MONTH OF JULY: PASTORAL THEOLOGY & COUNSELLING by Pr. Joe Kurian & Pr. Solomon John (Monday, Wednesday & Friday – 7 PM TO 9 PM)
This course will introduce the work of the pastoral ministry by looking at its biblical foundations, theological concerns, and practical responsibilities. The way that you counsel other people is determined by how you understand God, yourself, other People, life’s pressures, and change. This course addresses the depth, breadth, and balance of your understanding. How do Christ’s past grace, present grace, and future grace speak to our hearts and change how we live our daily lives?